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A beautiful world! (with Liviu & Anca)


Seeing the world through the eyes of a child

A volunteer who helps us on a regular basis with the Good News Club ministry recently told us this story:

I go every week to a GNC where a boy comes who is a little timid, and who is very quiet but quite agitated. Today he was cooperative during the Bible lesson, during the games and even before we left he looked out the window and said: the world is a nice place! (In the photo you can see the window he was looking out of).

Seen through the eyes of a child, the world is a nice place!

It is nice to look around at God’s creation with the honest eyes of a child, without the worries we adults carry daily. Even though we know God’s creation is marred by sin, it is still very beautiful to look at. How many things we can learn from the little ones!

For the last months of this year, our desire is to continue to go to the GNCs and the JYC clubs, and together with the children we would like to learn more about God and about His creation!

Window - Dulcianu

If what we can see with our own eyes is so beautiful, how much more beautiful is our God, Who created everything and Who sustains everything.

We would like to keep on sharing about God with these children, as long as the situation allows it, and we always like to take something to these children, even some sweets puts a great smile on their faces. Our estimation is that we would need €640 in order to cover the expenses with diesel, sweets and some prizes for the children who learn their Bible verses.

We pray that all will be well so that we could meet with them face to face, and maybe going to them will help us understand how important it is to see the world through the eyes of a child.

Liviu & Anca Dulcianu

*This is a CEF approved project. Gifts can be given via our site, directly to the local worker or through other CEF National Offices. Contact us for more details.