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Europe sends the Gospel to Africa


Europe Sends the Gospel to Africa

“God demonstrated His wisdom in that, even as people in Europe began despising the Gospel, He was already preparing to go somewhere else.”

Sinclair Ferguson

Sinclair Ferguson writes these words in his book called Church History 101: The Highlights of Twenty Centuries.

Today, in our part of the world, we are all very aware that things are not what they used to be. The special context in which God’s Word was preached and received with joy almost seems a distant memory in many of our countries. And today we treasure the 2 or 3 conversions and only dream of the day when hundreds attended our various meetings. We could be discouraged by what we see around us or we could ask God to give us a greater world vision and continue to rejoice in what He is doing in other parts of the world.


Of course, we want children in Europe to hear about the wonderful saving grace of God and we will continue to do all that we can for that, but if we can be part of something great in another part of the world where God is working, wouldn’t that be amazing too?

God is clearly at work in Africa—there is openness to the Gospel, evangelists ready and willing to take the Gospel message and children waiting to hear. Is that not something that you and I would want to be a part of?

And we can!

Through the Europe to Africa wordless book project, we can equip African evangelists to take the Gospel. When was the last time you gave €0,40 and knew that it would make the difference in the life of a child? When was the last time, 1,000 children heard because you invested €400?

Samuel, the National Director of Ghana says, “This year, God has led us into missions. Our missionary project is called ‘untold millions’. We are training hundreds of workers to reach children with the wordless books—but we do not have any wordless books left. Thank you for being used of God in this provision. God bless you!”

We in Europe can be part of great blessings to the countries in Africa through our prayers and gifts. The children we work with can rejoice in what God is doing in other parts of the world, church members can be helped to have a world wide vision and together we can be motivated to rejoice in world missions. This project will be a blessing to the givers and to those who receive the wordless books!

Wordless books are printed and produced in Europe and then transported to various African countries according to need. The distribution of wordless books will be through CEF workers and trained volunteers.

Lives will be changed through this project and we in Europe can be a part of it! During 2020 – 2021, let’s do all we can together to take the Gospel to Africa!

In Him,

Bogdan Bassara

CEF Europe

This is a CEF Romania approved project. Gifts can be given via our site, directly to the local worker or through other CEF National Offices. Contact us for more details.