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for every child – Christmas 2023 with Cosmin & Tatiana


And the gospel must first be preached to all the nations. Mark 13:10

The Christmas story is the same yet every year you have a different way of sharing it. The flashcards you are using are so beautiful and the children listen to you so well, and I can’t help wondering how can you come up with new ideas every year! This is what a schoolteacher that we have known for the last 10 years, told us. 

We plan to go with the Christmas story this year to both places we have been to and new places. Our goal is to reach 2,000 children in schools, kinder gardens, orphanages, sport halls, Good News Clubs, homes, during the month of December. The title of the Bible lesson this year is Joy for Christmas, and we would like to offer every child coming to the meeting, a gift of around 3 – 4. 

We will also encourage other children’s workers to share the Christmas story with children in their area. We are responsible to coordinate the Christmas project for the counties in the southern part of Romania (Buzau, Braila, Bucharest, Vrancea, Ilfov, Calarasi, Giurgiu, Tulcea), in counties like Galati, Constanta and Brasov, there are CEF workers, and they will coordinate this project, they will both have Christmas Clubs themselves, and train others to do them. In the counties where there is no CEF worker, we will travel during the month of November, to meet with churches and present the Bible lesson, and also offer training for teachers to get the vision for this outreach. The trips to all the counties, training sessions and children’s gifts will cost us about 7,300. 

We pray that the Lord will work the joy of Salvation in the hearts of many children that will take part in the programs we or the trained volunteers organize for them. Would you like to help us with these plans? You could help financially and pray for us to find volunteers in the counties with no CEF worker. 

We strongly believe that the Gospel must be preached, thank you for helping us do this! 

Cosmin and Tatiana Brezoaie from Buzau