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Loghin - proiect fiecare copil 2022

for every child – with Laurentiu & Anca


‘‘Now this I do for the Gospel’s sake, that I might be partaker of it with you.” (1 Corinthians 9:23)

The apostle Paul shows us in this chapter that he is laying down his rights and desires in order to do the work of God. He choses to do so for the sake of the Gospel and that one day he will rejoice to see the work of the Gospel.

Inspired by the apostle Paul we want to use every opportunity to share the Gospel. For the time left till the celebration of Jesus’ birth we would like to cherish every opportunity God gives us. Our plan is to visit with children in eight separate locations. We need God’s guidance and your support in prayer and financially.

At the end of a Bible club, Constantin refused to pray for his personal needs and said in front of everybody that he would rather pray to Jesus and ask Him to forgive him from his sins.

We would like to give every child a gospel tract and something sweet. For this and for the cost with traveling we estimate a need of €1400.

Thank you for supporting our ministry! May God reward your effort

Laurentiu and Anca Loghin

CEF workers in Neamt county