We gladly remember a beautiful experience that God made happen last year during the summer ministry. Through faith we called one of our camps Amazed by God. We were trusting God to work in a special way, both in your hearts and in the hearts of the children. We praise His Name for working mightily, more than we could have ever believed. During this camp, 10 children put their trust in the Lord. It is hard to express in words the joy these children had.
One of them, approached one of the teachers and said in his own words: I would like to take Jesus in my heart, so here I am! This boy did not grow up in a Christian family and did not have the right words to express himself, but He let us know that he wanted to accept Jesus as his personal Savior, and this he did with honesty.
Such experiences give us great energy to prepare for the summer ministry. We plan and pray that God will arrange and take care of all the details. We pray for volunteers to minister in prayer for us and for the children, we pray for volunteers to come with us and help in the camp and pray for finances needed for the events that will take place this summer.
The summer ministry comprises:
Would you want to be the person God uses to take care of His work? Give so that many children can hear the Good News, our Heavenly Father will reward your efforts!
The budget for this project is €6,000. A big amount for us, but we believe our God is an amazing God and will work beyond what we alone are able to do.
Amazed by God,
Beni and Cristina Costea, CEF workers in Hunedoara