Dear friend of CEF, As I am sure you know, Good News across Romania – Brasov 2016 has come to an end, but the echoes of what God did last week continue to sound out. The following are some of the statistics from the week: 5 Day Clubs took place
Dear friend of CEF, As I am sure you know, Good News across Romania – Brasov 2016 has come to an end, but the echoes of what God did last week continue to sound out. The following are some of the statistics from the week: 5 Day Clubs took place
Each day flies past so quickly, but eternity remains! Pray now with us! There is just one day left until the start of “Good News across Romania” – Braşov 2016! The children from Braşovcounty need to hear the Good News that, EVEN THOUGH they are sinners, God has a great
The site is a project of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Romania. Our desire is that every child in Romania would have the opportunity to hear the Gospel message at least once in their lives. Over the years, many people have been part of this team and it has been
As Christians, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are often faced with the question, “After all that He has done for us, what can I do for Him in return.” We want to show our thankfulness and offer back to Him what He has given to us! What
John Kennedy, the 35th president of USA said,“Children are the greatest resource of the world, and the greatest hope for the future.” Usually, people want to get valuables, and do everything they can in order to get them. We never see gold lying on the street, as valuable items are
It is our privilege in CEF of Romania to be part of a team ministry. God provides the evangelists, prayer partners, financial supporters, volunteers and the list goes on. Exodus 17:12 But Moses’ hands became heavy; so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. And Aaron
We understand that you may want to know more about the way that finances are received and administered within the mission. We have prepared a short video answering many of the frequently asked questions. You can move the slides on manually, or set it up to move automatically.
I wonder are you part of the large group of believers that first heard the Gospel as a child? Did you do the Bible Correspondence Course? Attend a Good News Club? Or were you blessed to have believing parents who faithfully taught you the way of Salvation? For sure, if
If you live in the United Kingdom and are a UK tax payer, under the Gift Aid scheme, CEF ® can claim back from the government 25p of tax on every £1 that you donate to us. Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay in
Take time to read the following reasons. The first is: 1. Investing in children, is the greatest investment we can make. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 Research conducted by