africa - nov 2019



Dear friends,

It is with great joy that we can share with you that a total of 16,650 wordless books have arrived or will arrive soon in Africa to take the Gospel to many thousands and thousands of boys and girls. Thank you for giving so generously! Some of the transport costs were covered by someone else and this meant with the money raised, we were able to print much more than 10,000 wordless books. It is God’s grace and goodness that enabled this project to be completed.

There is also something that we share with sadness. You may remember Stephen – the leader from Malawi – he shared with us on video that the wordless books are a wonderful tool for Africa. Sadly, Stephen was killed in a car crash and is now with His Saviour who he served so faithfully. His wife is seeking to continue the ministry to children in this country. Pray for Stephen’s wife and for the ministry to children in Malawi!

It is a great reminder to us that we must do all we can, while we can, as we do not know what the future holds. May Stephen’s story be a reminder to each of us to serve as much as we can, give us much as we can, pray all we can… for Him!

AMEC – Romania