“If only you knew the words that are said in this park each day. It is a joy to hear something different!”
These are the words of a mother who came to say thank you after her boys went home from 5 Day Club to sing to her the songs that they had learned at club. She was pleased that they were learning about the Lord Jesus.
Over the past few days children have learned Bible truths, Bible verses by heart and new songs. They have also enjoyed spending time with friends, playing games and having a special daily activity arranged just for them.
The teams have been amazingly motivated and have testified to being very aware that you are praying for them. Thank you!
Thank you for praying!
- Children have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. Eternity will tell all that God has done during this week. Praise Him!
- Most clubs were able to continue even when it rained (by going to someone’s home, a church or other local hall).
- Gospel leaflets and booklets were distributed.
- Teams worked well together – faithfully preparing and going each day – whether to a group of 6 children or a group of 100 children (both sizes of groups having their own blessings and challenges).
Please continue to pray for the last day of the clubs:
- Pray for children to put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour.
- Pray children will want to continue to learn more about God and a way to do this would be offered to them.
- Pray for children who knew about the 5 Day Club and were not able to attend until now, to be able to attend on the last day.
- Pray for the closing meeting on Friday evening. May it be a time of great rejoicing and praising God for all that He has done.
Thank you again for standing with us this week. Your support was felt!
God bless you,
Daniel Leonte – project co ordinator, GNaR – Suceava