“If it is about God, I want to read it!”
Tract and Gospel leaflet distribution took place in many locations across the county this week. In some locations it was impossible to organise a club and so it was decided to share the Gospel in printed form. Many adults gladly took the materials to read too, even exclaming, “If it is about God, I want to read it!” Praise God for the opportunity to take the Gospel to adults this week too.
We know of over 1,400 children who have heard the Good News of what God did through Jesus Christ at least once this week (most every day of the week) and many thousands of have received a tract or Gospel leaflet. What a blessing!
Thank you for standing with us throughout the week! Together we can rejoice in all that God is doing.
Please do pray for tomorrow and for the last day of the clubs:
- Pray that each child will have the opportunity to continue learning about God in their local area or by listening to Good News radio, or doing the Bible Correspondence Course.
- Pray for wisdom for the teams and for each leader to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
- Pray that literature distributed will be read and bless the hearts of the reader – young and old alike!
Children, young people and adults too can know peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ and this week they were able to hear how. Thank you so much for being part of Good News across Romania – Dambovita 2019.
CEF of Romania