On Saturday 13 July at 5pm, in the Brethren church in Targoviste, the Good News across Romania – Dambovita 2019, project started. CEF full time workers, together with volunteers from around the country, and local believers from the county joined together to commit the project to the Lord in prayer. We are all aware that without God, this project cannot happen. He is the One who opens the way for the Gospel to be taken to children who have never heard of Him and what He has done for them.
Plans are made for 5 Day Clubs to take place in over 40 locations. The teams are ready. Evangelistic packs have been provided and training has taken place. Much prayer has been offered up to God for this project. So, we are ready!
Continue with us in prayer for:
- Good weather for the clubs – they are mostly taking place outside and it is important that it is dry so the 5 Day Clubs can continue.
- Protection upon the teams as they travel each day to each of the clubs.
- Open doors for the Gospel – many children to hear the Word of God and to know peace with Him as a result of the message they hear this week.
Thank you for joining with us this week!
We look forward to seeing how God will answer our prayers.
CEF of Romania