fam. Anca project

Easter project – with George & Tatiana


We proclaim the risen Christ!

Once again we have the opportunity to tell children about God’s great plan of Salvation, accomplished through Jesus Christ on the cross. It seems a sad thing for children when we tell them about His suffering and death at Calvary. But when we tell them that He paid for our sins and that we deserved it all, they understand!

And what follows after this episode is very good news for every child and they understand very well the greeting “Jesus is risen!”

And what follows after this episode is very good news for every child and they understand very well the greeting “Jesus is risen!”

I recently taught them a song that says.

“He’s not dead, Jesus is alive.

He’s not dead, Jesus is alive

I feel him in my being!

The empty tomb is proof that Jesus is alive and we have a living God!”

Children need to hear these biblical truths. They need to believe and learn how to live according to God’s Word.The Lord said, “I am the way, the truth and the life”

CEF has prepared a great lesson called, “The Good Shepherd” teaching how every child can know the way to heaven. He is the Truth. His Word is the truth and the children must know Him.

He is life, Jesus is alive and children can experience this in their lives, they can have experiences with God, they can see ways in which He is actively and personally involved in the lives of those who believe in Him!

Our plans

One week before Easter, we want to tell of the risen Christ to 1,000 children. On this occasion we also want to give them a gift: a book, a pen and some sweets.

If the Lord puts it on your heart you can pray with us for the hearts of the children that they will understand the meaning of Jesus’ sufferings and that they will believe that He is the living God with whom they can have a relationship.

You can also give for the gifts we will give to the children.

God bless you!

George & Tatiana