Eighteen years ago, around Christmas, I took the Gospel to a kindergarten for the first time. The desire to proclaim the Gospel to the little ones came as a result of the question I couldn’t escape – how will they believe if no one tells them?
It was with emotion and fear that I stepped into the kindergarten where I was able to proclaim the Gospel to three groups of pre-schoolers, about 80 children in total. It was a miracle to have access there. After that, the ministry developed. More and more teachers began to ask me if I could go to other kindergartens. It’s a miracle that lasts since 18 years ago. Over 250 pre-schoolers hear the Good News every week together with their teachers. Following an activity organised in a new kindergarten in January, the headmistress asked me if I could go to the three kindergartens in the two villages nearby. “Of course”, I said happily. And Easter is the most appropriate time to do it.
In order to be able to go to these new kindergartens, but also to continue to go to the kindergartens I have been working with for years, I need help, to buy the materials I use in Bible lessons, for craft, but also for the fuel that helps me get to each kindergarten.
The needs are many, but I truly believe that God who opened the doors for this ministry, wants it to continue. Any gift for this project will be a great help.
Please give for the project, or consider setting up a monthly donation for these miracles to continue.
Thank you for your support and prayers. God is using you!
In Him,