Mateescu project spring

Spring project – with Ionut & Madalina


We want to use every opportunity we have, to tell many children in our county about Him.

1 Timothy 2:4 

God our Saviour,  desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 

Paul told Timothy about God’s desire to save all men and to bring them to the knowledge of the truth some 2,000 years ago and this is still God’s desire for us, living today. We pray this for the children in our county – Timis. 

The fact that God is unchangeable makes us work hard for Him and use every opportunity we have, to tell many children in our county about Him. 

Please consider coming along side us through prayer for us and the children and also through your support for this project. 

These are the plans we have made for the months of March and April: 

In March we will be having a CEF course, called TCE 1, meant to encourage the students to evangelize the children outside their churches. This course is targeted at the children’s teachers from the eastern part of the county. 

In April we would like to distribute 5,000 tracts in places where we don’t have regular meetings with the children, especially in the northern part of the county. 

These are two main activities but plan on doing more so that many children would hear about God’s desire to offer salvation to all those children who truly believe in Jesus Christ, His Son. 

God our Saviour, desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 

With much appreciation, 

Ionuț and Mădălina Mateescu