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Moldova - project 2023

Summer Ministries 2023 – in Republic Moldova


“I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent.” Luke 4:43

God has a special desire for the Republic of Moldova, and that is to make it possible for all the children to hear about Him, at least once in their lifetime, the pure Gospel that saves anyone who believes. I praise God for every CEF worker and for every volunteer in this country, who faithfully day by day, week by week, takes the Gospel to many children.

Summertime is a good time of the year for our colleagues in Moldova to meet with children, in Day camps, residential camps, 5-Day Clubs, tract distribution and other such like opportunities.

This project is meant for those workers who will go to their neighboring counties and evangelize new children there, and of course they cannot go empty handed, they will have sweets to give out to the children. We are full of joy as we are inspired by our Saviour’s desire when He was on Earth (Luke 4:43), and if we read the context, He had this wish at the beginning of His ministry. In the same way, as we begin to work in this new country, Moldova, we want to do what He did, to go to new places and to encourage the CEF workers to do the same, so that children who have never heard the Gospel may have a chance to hear it.

Our efforts will mean a lot to the believers in Moldova!

The budget for this project is estimated at €6,400.

Following on the footsteps of our Saviour, together with you,

Teo and Ramona Ene

National Director – CEF Moldova