Shortfall signup


A holiday with a difference! This was our desire for many children this summer. And God answered the desires of our hearts. Many children heard, for the first time in the right way, about the loving work of the Saviour for each one of them. We praise the Lord for

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Ready to go!

The video projecter has arrived and is ready to be used! Thank you so much to everyone who gave and to everyone who prayed! You are part of this ministry and together we want to bring glory to God as the lives of children and teenagers in Sibiu are changed

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  Dear friends, When was the last time that you tried to do something, but were unable to, until you asked for someone else to help? Most of the time, we like to be independent and we try to resolve the problems that we face on our own. Maybe it

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ionut - easter

I knew these things, but I understand them better now!

Many children heard the Gospel over Easter because you gave! They learned what the Bible teaches about the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Children and their parents rejoiced to hear of the risen Saviour. Mihai said, “I knew these things, but I understand them better now.” Thank

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Go with the Gospel

THANK YOU! We are so thankful for those who gave for our project “Go with the Gospel” The aim was to raise 9,000 euros to purchase a second hand VW Caddy in order to further develop the ministry out into the future in Dambovita. Dambovita is a county with fewer than

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Making a difference

Rodica Pastramagiu is a young lady who attended a CEF summer camp. God worked in her heart and her life was changed forever! She left her old ways, changed her habits and drew near to God. Now her life has purpose. Rodica takes the Good News to other boys and

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music camp

First Music CAMP – 2017

“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” Psalm 100:1 A joyful noise could be heard at the AMEC centre during the half term break at the beginning of February, when 30 children joined together for the first AMEC music camp in Sibiu. Each day they learnt about the guitar, they

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Thank you!

  Dear friend,   Thank you so much for giving so that children in Romania could attend a summer camp this year. It was a special year and you were a part of it! At the beginning of the summer, we believed that God would use the camp ministry in

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Thank you …from the children!

Dear friend of CEF, The project “Sponsor a child to go to camp” has almost ended. There are just a few more camps to be held before the end of the summer. By the grace of God and because of you, we were able to raise the funds necessary for

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Why do we want children in Romania to attend a CEF camp?

It’s a question, that you probably already know the answer to! In CEF, we truly believe in this ministry, because we believe that God really does work in and through the lives of children. Hundreds of children have heard the Word of God taught to them in a way that

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